
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Simply Perfect Egg Salad

So sorry my posts have been fairly scarce lately.  That trend will probably continue for a few weeks because:

1.)  I have been eating like a rabbit everyday due to the fact that I have to be in a bathing suit in front of my colleagues in less than 10 days.  Trust me, the juice and salads that I have been making are not even remotely interesting.


2.)  We will be off to San Juan and the Caribbean for over a week and I will be completely off the grid.

It has been a bit of a rough week around here for a few reasons so I decided to treat myself with some, wait for it...egg salad. 

You might be asking yourself, "Is she really showing me how to make egg salad?".  And the answer to your question is...YES!  I am convinced that this is the most perfect egg salad recipe out there. 

The funny thing about egg salad is that, at least for me, it isn't always at the top of your list of things to make. But then you see a picture of it and insane cravings take over until you get yourself an egg salad sandwich!  I've had my fair share of too-mustardy-no-flavor egg salads and that all stops here.  

This recipe is extra special because it incorporates some pretty awesome ingredients like mascarpone cheese and truffle oil, as if it wasn't decadent enough.  I've made mine like this for years; open faced with thinly sliced cucumbers on toasted whole grain bread.

So, did I inspire you to make some egg salad today?  Do you still have Easter eggs left?  If so, then I have done my good deed for the day!    

Simply Perfect Egg Salad
6 hard boiled eggs (for perfect method on how to cook eggs, click here)
2 scallions, chopped
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup mascarpone cheese
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon whole grain mustard
1/4 teaspoon truffle oil 

Chop up the eggs and scallions and throw in a mixing bowl.  In a smaller bowl, mix mayo, mascarpone, salt, pepper, garlic powder, mustard and truffle oil together until smooth.  

Add mayo mixture to eggs and mix until combined.  Toast bread and top with sliced cucumbers, egg salad and a pinch of fresh cracked pepper.     


  1. Yumm, I love a good egg salad. It's so easy and quick to whip up for a delish lunch! I'll have to remember trying it with cucumber slices next time :) Have a great trip!!

    1. Thanks Sarah! I'm a huge fan of a good egg salad! Our vaca can't come soon enough!

  2. omg mascarpone and truffle oil, you clever girl.

    1. I cant wait to try this amazing new egg salad, I am drooling already!!!

    2. Thank you! Let me know how you like it Cheryl!

  3. This is the absolute best egg salad ever! I've made it so many times and want to eat the whole batch at once! PS, you moved into my hometown :-)

    1. So so glad you are enjoying it Marley!! Small world! We are LOVING Arlington and DC so far :)

  4. Quick question. I have a dairy allergy so I would have to make it without the mascarpone. Do you think it would affect the flavor all that much? In other words would it still be worth making?


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