
Monday, March 3, 2014

Sunday Brunch

Howdy!  I have some big news... I finally took the plunge and got a DSLR camera!  My trusted Cannon Powershot has done me well so far but from here on out, I will be using a Cannon T3i with a 50mm f/1.4 lens.  To say I'm excited would be quite the understatement.  

I've been reading up on how to use one of these bad boys for a while and an happy to report back that I have been shooting on manual all weekend.  No automatic for this girl! There is still so much to learn but, I feel like I'm catching on the more I practice.  

And what better way to practice then Sunday Brunch and my mother's house.  We normally go over there most Sundays for dinner but this weekend, we decided to have our meal a bit earlier.  Boy did we have a massive spread. As you can see by the pictures, my family loves to cook... and eat!  There were no empty bellies by the time we left.  Later this week, I will be sharing the recipes for my Crispy Smashed Potatoes and Australian Sausage Rolls that I made for the brunch.   

There was a time when we all didn't live nearby each other so we seem to be making up for lost time.  Our youngest brother, CJ, lives out in LA so we miss him dearly during these weekly gatherings.  But that's what Skype is for.  I hope you all enjoy this glimpse into a more personal side of me and those who are nearest and dearest.   

These are my nephews.  How cute are they?  Never a dull moment with these two and I wish I had even 1/4 of the energy they do!

My sister Kristina and her husband Nick... they make cute kids :)

This is my beautiful mother.

And my brother Kevan and his wife Lauren.

Finally, one of my favorite people in the world, my Grandmother.  She lives with my mom now and I am so lucky to get to see here all the time.  She is quick, witty, caring and has the best laugh in the world!   

Kevan made monkey bread!  This was Matt's first time eating it and he was smitten.

There's nothing better than family.


  1. oh, what a wonderful post! I'm in love with this family atmosphere! <3

    1. Thank you so much! It's always fun to deviate from the food and share the people who you share it with :)


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