
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Apple Cinnamon Oats

Welcome to March!  So sorry for my extended absence but I have been so busy lately.  Last week, I was in New Orleans for a training and I loved every minute.  I went there last year for work as well and upon my return, the city was filled with the same energy and charisma that I remember. Although I didn't have as much time to explore, we were there on the heels of the NBA All-Star game and the soft beginning of Mardi Gras so the city was just buzzing!  

On the recommendation of my friend Jaeda, we made it to Luke one night for dinner and it was AH-mazing.  Chef John Besh opened this French-German inspired restaurant in 2007 and everything we ate was delightful.  We all split the Flamenkuche, which was a thin crust tart with caramelized onions, Emmenthaler cheese and cubes of delicious bacon.  It was heavenly.  Follow that with a cup of the crab bisque and for dinner, I ordered the Jageschnitzel. If you find yourself in NOLA, this place is a must!

I found out a few weeks ago that my hotel was one of the top performers in our company last year so Matt and I will be going on an all-expense-paid 7 day cruise out of San Juan through the Caribbean in May!  Knowing that I will have to be in a bathing suit in front of my peers in less than 2 months has whipped my butt into gear so we have been eating very clean for the past few weeks. 

With that being said, these oats have been on heavy rotation in our house lately. They are filled with whole ingredients and good fiber.  And they keep you full for a long time which is so important when you are trying to eat healthy!  

Well we are off to experience Kurentovanje, a Slovenian carnival/street parade today.  I've never been but we are excited to spend some time with our friends Nikki, Ryan and Allison!  

Au revoir! 

Apple Cinnamon Oats
1 apple, cut into small cubes
1 teaspoon coconut oil
1 cup oats
1 3/4 cups almond milk
1/4 teaspoon stevia
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
2 teaspoons flax seed
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon raw honey (or maple syrup)
for garnish:  apples, almonds and unsweetened shredded coconut

Cut the cheeks off the apples and then into thin slices.  Stack those slices and chop into small cubes.  In a small saucepan, heat coconut oil over medium heat.  Add apples and saute for 2 minutes, just until soft.

Add oats and almond milk and stir to combine.  Next, add stevia, salt, flax seed, cinnamon and honey.  Continue to cook over medium heat until oats thicken.  Remove from heat and serve with a garnish of apples, almonds and coconut.

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